Social Shopping

Social networking + viral marketing = e-commerce revenue. There is no doubt that social networks are the 2006 stars in internet. The New York Times reported this month on a new hybrid of social networking and e-commerce called “social shopping.” The article listed ThisNext, Kaboodle, Wists and StyleHive as examples.

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Social revolution, social networks.

A social network is a social structure made of nodes which are generally individuals or organizations. It indicates the ways in which they are connected through various social familiarities ranging from casual acquaintance to close familial bonds. Some history The first social networking website was, which began in 1995.

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Desired Advertising – DAD – Is that possible?

These days everybody is talking about the different types of online advertising, which one generates more clicks or generate a better conversion rates. Today’s online advertising it’s turning pretty much complicated but the conversion rates are increasing very slowly or even not increasing at all. So, how much work is necessary to push the conversion rates up? And the ROI of that work is really positive?. Normally when some technique doesn’t work or is not working as much as necessary, the people try to defend it even with impossible explanations, but let us feel comfortable with the known technique for

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What’s the Buzz Behind Behavioral Advertising?

Behavioral advertising has been getting plenty of attention lately for being the next big thing since the advent of contextual advertising. Why are search marketers so excited? Recent studies have shown that behavioral advertising converts better than contextual ad targeting. But there is some confusion about what behavioral advertising is, and particularly, what it isn’t.

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Analytics, focus on people?

In our daily lives we interact with people, family, friends, clients, partners, and many others. Every one of us has a different mental model built by biologic, linguistic, cultural, and personal factors. This means, for instance, that people from the same cultures have similar mental models, but it doesn

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