Effective communication formula

It’s pretty late at night and I just can’s sleep, so here I am trying to play a bit with some maths. The exercise is to finds out the formula for an effective communication. Well, finally I guess I finds out the formula for an effective communication, and guess what, seems pretty simple. Even when is true that everything seems to be simple while you take humans behavior out from your plans, lets take a look at it EC = P(mm) x R Where: EC = Effective Communication. P = People. mm = Mental Model. R = Respect. If we

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General Systems Theory Quote

“It appears that all units of reality are comprised of two basic elements in an asymmetrical binary relationship in dynamic interaction…” (p.38) “As noted above, one of the basic ideas that underlies my thinking, one of the images I have in mind when I contemplate the universe, is that it is constructed upon a simple pattern of order that may be seen in any and all phenomena, no matter how complex. The simple pattern is that of a binary relationship, recognized in a binary system. The implication here is that everything in nature, everything in the universe, is composed of

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The Laws of the Fifth Discipline (Peter Senge)

1) Today’s problems come from yesterday’s “solutions.” 2) The harder you push, the harder the system pushes back. 3) Behavior will grow worse before it grows better. 4) The easy way out usually leads back in. 5) The cure can be worse than the disease. 6) Faster is slower. 7) Cause and effect are not closely related in time and space. 8) Small changes can produce big results…but the areas of highest leverage are often the least obvious. 9) You can have your cake and eat it too —but not all at once. 10) Dividing an elephant in half does

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Understanding funnel analysis by Throughtput accounting

It’s very interesting how a new methodology, business model, or whatever else could impact the people that they, in most cases, adopt it without even analyze it. On e of the most mentioned word, within the analytics industry is Funnel. The market adopted the funnel model but we all really know why this model could be useful for analytics proposes? It’s only useful just for analytics proposes? When could we use the model and when not?. First of all I find deeply important to know a bit about the throughput accounting model (you could find more information in this blog

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US Hispanics – A minority?

We all know that Hispanics are still the USA’s fastest-growing minority group, but the truth is that most of their population increase comes from births in USA rather than for immigration. Government numbers shows that 60% (1.3 million) of the new Hispanics in 2005 are citizens because they were born in USA. In USA, a third of their population are considered minorities, in which Hispanics are the largest minority group with almost 43 million. It’s important to take into consideration that the US Census counts all residents and makes no distinction between those here legally and illegally. William Frey, demographer

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Unique visitor – Unique Meaning?

When people talk about unique visitors, are they all talking about the same thing? When people compare two different website by their Unique Visitors are they comparing equivalent things? Well I guess both answers are “probably not”. There are some important things to take into account to really understand what “Unique Visitor” means in each case. Let’s try a definition… “The metric Unique Visitor refers to a browser that was connected to our website at least one time in a defined period of time”. It means that there are several factors that we need to take into consideration before analyzing

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