Since Indextools for Free nothing will ever be the same

Remember “Since Gatineau nothing will ever be the same“? Well, apparently I was correct but probably failed in one thing…”time”. I thought the market would adjust gradually, free tools get smarter, paid tools should also get smarter and cheaper. I always said that, in my opinion, paid Web Analytics tools could be cheaper, actually must be cheaper, so I was looking at the above mentioned dynamic as something really positive.

The Indextools acquisition by Yahoo! is not another acquisition, it is a milestone in the Web Analytics market, actually this acquisition is already Shaking the market in front of the amazed vendors, web analytics professionals and clients.

Unfortunately, as some of you already know, my company (Intellignos) is Indextools Strategic Alliance Partner so, at this momento, I cannot give much information about it but let me show you what Dennis Mortensen (former COO at Indextools, and current Director of Data Insights at Yahoo!) posted today in his blog:

“Today we will communicate that we’ll require our partners and clients to accept a new standard Yahoo! agreement and that Yahoo! (we) currently intends to provide the service FREE of charge to clients and partners who accept the Yahoo! Agreement. It is however important to note that our clients and partners must accept this agreement to continue using the service.”

Interesting uh? I’m preparing a longer post about my vision of the future of the Web Analytics tools market.


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