What are Log File Analysis and Page Tagging?

Normally we talk about web stats tools as one unique thing but in fact there are two very different technologies that most of web stats tool use, those are Log File Analysis and Page Tagging: What are Log File Analysis and Page Tagging? Log File Analysis: Web log analysis software (also called a web log analyzer) is software that parses a log file from a web server (like Apache), and based on the values contained in the log file, derives indicators about who, when and how a web server is visited. The indicators reported by most of web log analyzers

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Social Shopping

Social networking + viral marketing = e-commerce revenue. There is no doubt that social networks are the 2006 stars in internet. The New York Times reported this month on a new hybrid of social networking and e-commerce called “social shopping.” The article listed ThisNext, Kaboodle, Wists and StyleHive as examples.

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Social revolution, social networks.

A social network is a social structure made of nodes which are generally individuals or organizations. It indicates the ways in which they are connected through various social familiarities ranging from casual acquaintance to close familial bonds. Some history The first social networking website was Classmates.com, which began in 1995.

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