It’s somehow funny but for some reasons we (people) use to generate multiple systems from something that has just one objective by generating some fake objectives. In this case it’s regarding the activities related with generating and providing information for decision making. This kind of activities are provided today by different disciplines (that in some companies do share departments and in some others don’t) like Market Research, Web Analytics, Business Intelligence, CRM (part of it), Data Mining, and so on. So is getting harder to understand what’s the limit of each discipline. So the people from those disciplines fight for hours arguing which information must be generated by the Market Research
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In the post “Re Defining the Email Marketing Funnel” I’ve presented my vision about how should be taken considered the forwards in an email marketing campaign. Why is this approach important? Because it gives you a very realistic vision about where do you have the constrain into your system (email marketing campaign). Forwards and “tell a friend” are channels that must be considered to broaden the base of the pyramid (sends). Why? Because if you can reach 10 people, each of them can reach some others and those others can reach another ones with one main advantage. They know those people, what they like and what they
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