What are Flow Scorecards and why are way better than regular ones

Scorecards are a semi-standard structured type of report, supported by proven design methods and automation tools, that can be used by managers to keep track of the execution of activities by the staff within their control and to monitor the consequences arising from these actions (by Wikipedia), and looks like this: The problem I find in that type of scorecard is that there is no relation between the company strategy and the performed tactic activities, which are (if the scorecard is properly design) each one of the measured metrics. On the other hand, it’s not impossible to see either the cause and consequence relationship between the actions or how

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How to create storytelling dashboards like a boss

Analytics people have to be the ones that simplify the decision making process. We have to be the ones that help people consume the information in a way that is simple, it is not time consuming, it is not confusing and as univocal as possible. Analyzing and reporting are two completely different things (more info here “How to make self explaining reports“). The person that analyzes the data goes through a mediate process of questions and answers that generates the layers of information that will give context to the reported data (What I call the P.I.C. or Personal Information Context).

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If you are in the middle of the process of convincing your boss to begin with the Web Analytics activities you will, as we already talked at my book Meta Analytics, definitely face a lot of troubles trying to make people (not just you boss) overcome the resistance to change. Don’t you ever underestimate the power of people resisting to change. So take a look at the following video and prepare for a very challenging ride.

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The Internet projects have a particular complexity, everything is changing constantly. In this kind of environment is very risky to base your decisions for new projects in previous ones since the possibility that the same formula works in this new very unique situation is almost null. Due to the above mentioned situation is normal that managers and analysts have to make decisions based on very unique and particular scenarios, that is why I highly recommend going beyond the conventional Analytics activities focusing on comprehend the human mind and understand the analyzed system: 1- Every new problem must be taken as that…a new problem. Never try to compare it to some previous one. 2- Defining the solution or

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This Wednesday March 16th I’ll be presenting my book Meta Analytics, the new book of the Management and Marketing collection from the Universidad de Palermo’s Graduate School of Business. Where: Universidad de Palermo, Larrea 1079, City of Buenos Aires. When: Wednesday 16th of March, 7 pm. For more information call (+5411) 5199-4500 ext. 2313 or e-mail at eventosface@palermo.edu

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Meta Analytics is not a technical book instead it is a book focused on understanding how the human mind works, how the online project (systems) behave. This way you can configure your analytical mind to be ready to analyze and making efficient decision even when you face a brand new situation. You can buy the book (By now just the spanish version) by clicking buy Meta Analytics Online

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If you are using a page tagging web analytics solution you must be aware that your information is being (in the most of cases) saved in a third party database, ergo if anything happen with your service provider or you just want to change it you will lose your historic information. Your historic information is all what you’ve got to plan your future action, so losing it will leave you almost blind. So one way for avoiding this risk is just implementing another web analytics tool in parallel. I mean, I’m not talking about training you and your team for

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If you want to really understand what it is happening in your project I recommend you to analyze de scenario and not the metrics per se. An interesting way to understand it is like when you are about to buy a new alarm for your home. The expert ask you all about your house, your family, if you have a dog or other pets, etc. After that tells you how many sensors (Measuring tool implementation) will your house (online project) need. After that each sensor will be measuring all the house movements and if a deviation appears you will be informed (alert). The above mentioned example shows

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Companies are systems composed by different areas and levels. Those areas and levels perform a very important role in the organization that will (or not) allows it to achieve (or not) its objectives. Said that it is important to understand how vital is the information system flow. Even when some people may think that this post is mainly focused on big corporations, it is not. Information flows will determine how effective is the decision making process into any company no matter how bit it is. If you have a 10 persons company and the 10 are making decisions with a 30 pages report, then are all of

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