Buenos Aires has its second Search Engine Marketing Expo (SMX Buenos Aires 2008)

Finally we had the SMX Buenos Aires 2008 and in my opinions was pretty good. The Analytics presentation was well balanced, a consultant (me), a Provider (Enrique Quevedo from Google) and a Client (Maria Soledad Santich from Telefónica de Argentina). I fount Soledad’s presentation very usefull since she explained how was the Analytics Implementing process in her company in a very transparent way. Issues, deviations, pursuit results, etc. Juan Damia, Maria Soledad Santich and Enrique Quevedo Guille (Google), Juan and Rita (Google) The best Even when I couldn´t attend all the presentations I wish, I attended some very good ones, – Julio

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SMX lands again in Buenos Aires, with a Web Analytics Panel!

The SMX Event is landing in Buenos Aires in its second edition. SMX is one of the most important “Search” events in the world, so if you work in something related, not just with “Search” but with Internet, you must attend it.This event is gonna be a very particular one, since it includes a the Web Analytics panel (yes, I said in Buenos Aires and Analytics in the same phrase  ) and I have the honor of being one of the three Web Analytics Panelists. The other two are Enrique Quevedo (from Google Analytics) and María Soledad Santich (Content and SVAs Internet- Marketing Speedy from

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US Hispanics Advetising Spending

I’ve read in E-Marketer a very interesting report from Advertising Age reported that last year US advertisers spent 64% of their Hispanic-targeted media budgets on Spanish-language broadcast and cable TV networks, while Internet display ads garnered less than 5%. “Hispanic consumers under the age of 35 are spending more time online than watching TV

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GAAC training in Buenos Aires

Yesterday (thursday 5th of June) was the first GAAC (Google Analytics Authorized Consultant) training in Buenos Aires. The event was planned by the untiring Enrique Quevedo. Enrique, who was also the speaker, has the non-minor task of developing the product through the Latam Region. The training lasted two days, the first day was focused on Business while the second was 100% technical. The training went from general to specific topics, and was both technical and pragmatic making very simple to incorporate pretty difficult concepts. Congratulations Enrique, Great initiative!!! Enrique is at my right (I’m with the unforgettable “tag my ass”

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White Paper IV – Social Networks in Latin America – Second Part

Social Networks in Latam (Second part) According comScore estimations- March 2008 – the number of internet users in the 5 major countries of the region (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico) are 47.5 million. If we also consider the Internet users in Puerto Rico and US Hispanics the number reach the 67.5 million. During the month of March the number of unique visitors from 9 social networks we analyzed (bebo, facebook, friendster, hi5, myspace, netlog, orkut, sonico y tagged) sum 37 million in these five countries in Latin America. It is important to point out that persons that are using more than one of the above mentioned Social Networks are being

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The Web Analytics Association Announces the 2008 Board of Directors

Finally the Web Analytics Association Announced the list of the 2008 Directors. I’m so glad (and proud) of having the following names in the Board of Directors. * Vicky Brock, Highland Business Research, Inverness Highlands, Scotland * June Dershewitz, Semphonic, San Francisco, CA * Andrea Hadley, NetSetGo Marketing, Vancouver, BC Canada * Avinash Kaushik, Author, Analytics Evangelist – Google, Mountain View, CA * Alex Langshur, PublicInsite, Medford, MA * Neil Mason, Applied Insights, Oxford, England * Lauria Paxia, I.C.C. S.r.l., Catania, Italy * Seth Romanow, Microsoft, Redmond, WA * Marshall Sponder, Monster Worldwide, New York, NY * Robbin Steif, LunaMetrics,

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Yahoo! Indextools represent the end of paid solutions?

Some posts ago, I wrote a post called “Since Gatineau nothing will ever be the same” because Gatineau was the first competitor, a real one, that Google Analytics has as the top free Player. I was sure that the competition among free tools would be the base of a new age in analytics, the age where the most flexible and powerful tools reduce their price and become “smarter”. Now Yahoo! accelerated the process, because a Flexible and smart tool as Indextools is going to be provided free of charge. So we don’t have two Analytics tools markets, but just one…for free. The economy

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Since Indextools for Free nothing will ever be the same

Remember “Since Gatineau nothing will ever be the same“? Well, apparently I was correct but probably failed in one thing…”time”. I thought the market would adjust gradually, free tools get smarter, paid tools should also get smarter and cheaper. I always said that, in my opinion, paid Web Analytics tools could be cheaper, actually must be cheaper, so I was looking at the above mentioned dynamic as something really positive. The Indextools acquisition by Yahoo! is not another acquisition, it is a milestone in the Web Analytics market, actually this acquisition is already Shaking the market in front of the

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