Here’s why you shouldn’t have a blog

Yesterday I received a message from Amelia, an student from the UP (Universidad de Palermo) with a link to a very funny (and not) post from Andrew G.R. called Bloggers Must Always Assume Everything. But in my humble opinion, bloggers MUST assume! Everyday, every post. ASSUME that your blog will be read by your friends, family and everybody else you have ever known. ASSUME that if you’re writing under a pseudonym, you will be found out. ASSUME that if you’re posting to your blog at work, your boss is on to you; it could cost you your job. ASSUME that there’s no such thing as an anonymous comment.

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The first GAAC lands on Hispanic Latam

Last week I’ve received an email from Enrique Quevedo (the Google Analytics Guy in Latam) officially announcing that Intellignos (Company that I co-founded) was confirmed as Google Analytics Authorized Consultant, becoming the first (and only by now) GAAC in Hispanic Latam. I am so glad because it is not only a great challenge for Intellignos, but also demonstrate the interest of Google Analytics in the Latin American Market. So, let’s stop talking and let’s rock! About the Google Authorized Consultant Program? This is the Google’s explanation: Instead of charging hefty fees for Google Analytics and pushing you into a one-size-fits-all services plan, we’d rather provide

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