If you search on google for
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The hard task of understanding text messages
Since most of cell phones have no QWERTY keyboard people should create an easier way to write their messages, so today you should program your head with this new codes if you want to understand what your colleague, client, supplier, or friend are telling you. Because sometimes the obvious it is not so, here is a useful list of some those codes: A3 – Anytime, anyplace, anywhere AAMOF – As a matter of fact AFAIK – As far as I know AFK – Away from keyboard ASAP – As soon as possible B4 – Before B4N – Bye for now
Continue readingMKTG 2.0 – Congratulations AMDIA!
Last Wednesday was MKTG 2.0 in Buenos Aires, it was a one day event organized by AMDIA (Asociacion de Marketing Directo e Interactivo de Argentina, or Direct and Interactive Marketing Association from Argentina). More than 28 speackers covered the most up to date topics of interactive marketing. – ROI in Digital Marketing :: Damian Voltes, Digital Ventures. – Email Marketing and Viral Marketing :: Julian Drault, ePEXO – E-commerce Best Practices :: Carolina Piber, Latin3. – Improving the CPC :: Damian Sztarkman, E-volution. – Rich Media, Impact Tools :: Adrian Campanelli, Real Media and Gabriel Sanchez Catena, Admotion. – Broad
Continue readingDesired Advertising – DAD – Is that possible?
These days everybody is talking about the different types of online advertising, which one generates more clicks or generate a better conversion rates. Today’s online advertising it’s turning pretty much complicated but the conversion rates are increasing very slowly or even not increasing at all. So, how much work is necessary to push the conversion rates up? And the ROI of that work is really positive?. Normally when some technique doesn’t work or is not working as much as necessary, the people try to defend it even with impossible explanations, but let us feel comfortable with the known technique for
Continue readingIT Phone Home.
Have you ever thought about why, if you want to call someone, you call him on his home phone? I mean, isn
Continue readingAre Latinos mobileaholics?
Latinos love mobile phones more than Americans and most Europeans (except Italy), that
Continue readingMobile Business -A New Dimension of Life for Latin America
The basis of mobile business is the convergence of technologies. Voice, text, images and data no longer require different networks but flow through uniform systems. Mobile systems will be the leading form of Internet access in Latin America, which has more cellphones than computers. People are living and working in new ways that require mobile access to our offices, our leisure activities and our homes. Mobile work and mobile play are major trends that will increasingly influence our daily activities.
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