In my previous posts I was talking about theories of systems and the “Meta Theory” called General Theory of Systems as a way of simplifying and studying organisations.
In this post we will organise the parts of the Organisation Systems in general categories that can be also taken as “Variables” for its future “Flow Analysis”.
- Data.
- Money.
- Work.
- Technology.
- Energy.
- Capital Goods.
- Equipment.
- Production Lines.
- Assembly lines.
- Management and skills.
- Generate interest in purchasing.
- Increase engagement.
- Products.
- Services.
- Results.
- Sales.
- Registered user.
- Dividends.
- Taxes.
- Information.
- Customer satisfaction.
- Employee satisfaction.
- Company internal lobby.
- User experience management.
- Change rejection.
- Objetive visibility.
- Transparencies/Inferences based on past knowledge.