Since I´m working in Analytics I´m trying to get an analytics model that allows me to understand and analyze each particular system in a properly way…as something alive.
The current Analytics models are great to analyze pictures of the system, or “movies” but about each part of the system, with an holistic and not systemic vision of Analytics.
The holistic vision says that if you optimize each part of your system you have an optimized system, while the systemic vision says that the key is not on every part of the system but on their interactions. You can have a beautiful landing page but it is important is if it (just to give an example) drive people to buy. With that in mind I was working on an analytics model that allows people to:
1- Understand each part of their system (organic traffic, paid traffic, website (the subsystem website), etc).
2- Identify the bottle neck (the resource preventing the system to get more results).
3- Find out the best way to action on that bottle neck.
4- Measure results. Get the information to feed the information system.
5- Identify again the new bottle neck.
The result was a model that I called Flowcard. This is the first time that I speak about it in this blog even when I’m working on Flowcards for a long time with awesome results. I wont talk in depth about Flowcards since I dont want the publishers of my book knocking my doors (just kidding, they’re awesome).
The truth is that we need more than one post to explain more about it since it consider things about URL´s and SEO, a bit about statistics (sorry but statistics are so cool for handling huge amount of data).