A unique opportunity to create stories and experiences that really matters to our audience 

Yesterday I was thinking on how digital advertising had changed since my first steps in the internet. I still remember the first floater or Layer banner that really shocked me, It was from Nike. You was navigating a publisher’s website and a Shark’s Fin started swimming around the screen like in the movie, like trying to frighten you, this really kept my attention and finally the Nike logo was displayed with a very catchy phrase that I can’t even remember right now. That was 1999. Simple, creative, catchy. This days is not that simple to take user’s attentions. In 1999,

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Google Analytics Summit

As every year I’m here, in this case with Richard Dawson (Intellignos) and Diego Salama (Mercado Libre) at the Google Analytics Summit, in this case in it’s 2013 version. This post is in real time so you will see things in draft and not finished…don’t worry, will be done after the event is finished.           Great introduction by Paul Muret, Vice President of Engineering at Google Analytics talking about history and the Analytics Market. Paul gave the voice to Bebak Pahlavan the Director of Product Management of Google Analytics who after saying that they launched more

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If you wanted to know what they are thinking just go and ask them

Multivariate or A/B testing is very cool and useful. Today’s solutions are very flexible and allows you to test several pieces of marketing (ads, lading pages, etc) in real time without the need of being an expert. You have tools for any particular need, free solutions like Google Content Experiments; paid solutions for a low price like Convert, Optimizely, Unbounce and VWO; and paid solutions for bigger budgets like Adobe Test & Target, Sitespect and Autonomy optimost among others.     Even though this kind of solutions are great and useful it is important to know what are they useful

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The Yahoo! Web Analytics Merchandising Report

If you have an eCommerce project and have installed Yahoo! Web Analytics, or you haven’t but you are thinking about implementing it I drop you some interesting tips about the Merchandising Report. The Merchandising report it’s an awesome additional reporting solution if you already have the eCommerce report installed. With the Yahoo! Web Analytics Merchandise Report you will be able to track not just the regular stuff from each sale like the individual products your customers preview, add to their shopping cart and purchase but also it allows you to define categories for your products, create custom reports, and update

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Dad is back and will lift your conversions

It’s seems like nothing changed for so many years…take a look at this post “Desired Advertising – DAD – Is that possible?“ and tell me if it is not actual? It is, and it is for the reason that the base of it it is that advertising should be planned and executed as a service it self and not as an stupid and intrusive manner of stolling peoples’ attention. With the above in mind and always following the Web Analytics Association’s Code of Ethics, Imagine how better could be your clients that you contact them considering their interests and needs, following

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“Underestimate tools” is a great first step for an Analytics professional

In more than 14 years working with internet information I’m seeing the very same situation happening over and over again. The first contact of a person in the Analytics world is related to tools. I’ve being talking a lot about it, we all know how hard is for the average civilians separate analytics tools from the practices. We committed a huge error branding tools with the same name than the practice it self (same problem than the CRM people committed with their practices and tools). So, when someone starts walking in the Analytics way their main focus is on learning using tools

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Analytical Claustrophobia

The possibility of having two projects based on similar systems are almost null. I mean, even when you can have an eCommerce that sells Golf stuff and your competitor has the very same thing, both are not gonna work in the same way. All the elements of both systems will not interact in the same way so the experience will not be the same and the way the elements interact in order to reach the system’s objective will definitely not even similar. With the above mentioned differences is easy to understand why we need that the information platforms (Website Analytics,

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When we talk about web analytics we normally put the website in the middle of the analysis. However it is getting harder to keep that idea in mind when you have Apps that are being measured no matter they are being displayed on a website, in Facebook, in a mobile site or even with an snippet into thousands of blogs or websites.Actually a particular website could be displayed in several different type of gadgets like a Desktop, a laptop, a mobile phone, a tablet, an MP3 player with internet, an GPS with internet, and so on and on and on… So is really hard to have Web Analytics as a monogamous activity (in love just with the

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Web Analytics, Research, BI or CRM?

It’s somehow funny but for some reasons we (people) use to generate multiple systems from something that has just one objective by generating some fake objectives. In this case it’s regarding the activities related with generating and providing information for decision making. This kind of activities are provided today by different disciplines (that in some companies do share departments and in some others don’t) like Market Research, Web Analytics, Business Intelligence, CRM (part of it), Data Mining, and so on. So is getting harder to understand what’s the limit of each discipline. So the people from those disciplines fight for hours arguing which information must be generated by the Market Research

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Configuring your web analytics tool for content analytics

If you are seeking to get the most from your site, look after Content Analytics. Some Web Analytics tools have offered the possibility of tracking and manipulating information based on the query parameters of the query string. One of the most used functionalities is Internal Search: This is a very useful and extraordinary feature that allows you to track and measure what people is searching at your website. However if your website has this functionality means that you will have from each particular page, as much pages as searches your users run. I receive a lot of questions related this feature, saying “in which times you track the

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