The next 25th of April I’ll lading in Mexico to participate as speaker at the 1st GAUC (Google Analytics User Conference) in México. The objective is to encourage the meeting of Google Analytics users, consultants and experts of the Digital Analytics industry in Latin America. The event promotes the interaction between Google Analytics users to share experiences, learn new and advanced features, and last but not least on the importance of measuring the Internet.
My conference will be “Meta Analytics: How to optimize the flow of money using the information from Google Analytics”. In most cases people analyze the online information in an isolated way making very hard to identify where the resource that is preventing or restricting the site to increase it’s benefits (money) is. Meta Analytics introduces two key concepts, the idea identifying the interactions of the analyzed systems as the most important source of information and the comprehension of the human mind which is the responsable of analyzing the information. The human mind is always willing to play tricks on you unless you are ready to play the game…so…are you ready?
Congratulations Francisco Pellat and all the people working behind the scene for the exquisite organization!