Yesterday Techcrunch published a post with Twitter Internal information that “a hacker” send them to analyze. Later on Evan Williams (de Twitter) confirmed the attack to Techcrunch.
Today I’ve received that information in the eMarketer newsletter. Snoop here
Regarding the information received it would be 25 million users worldwide using twitter by the end of 2009, 100 million users by the end of 2010 and 350 million users by the end of 2011.
On the other hand eMarketer calculated in April that Twitter would have 12.1 million US adult users in 2009 and 18.1 million in 2010.
Now, in my opinion, is not kind of naive thinking that a company valuated in half billion dollars with serious difficulties explaining finding their business model is hacked and the information revealed is extremely optimistic? It drives to my mind two different ideas.
1- We are fu… up, we can’t demonstrate that we have “a business” our investor are gonna kill us. Let’s do this plan…
2- It sounds like a guy at college says “the letter from my girlfriends were stoled, and the letters talk about what a fabulous lover I am…
In my case I wont give much relevance to this information but I’ll definitely keep one eye opened